
Testing in the palm of your hand

OPTICIAN tries out one of the latest battery of test charts from the Chicken and Egg coop

Optician tries out one of the latest battery of test charts from the Chicken and Egg coop

As the range of screening software from Graeme O'Regan's company Chicken and Egg increases, it was little surprise to hear that he has now developed software for use on a palmtop computer (Figure 1).

The obvious advantages are portability and also the facility to simulate tests that the patient might hold. Reading cards, near phoria assessment and other binocular assessments are easier and more appropriate to use when held by the patient in a position which simulates most closely the normal near viewing conditions of the patient in real life.

Furthermore, where there is the need to maintain accurate working distance, such as with an Amsler chart, this is easier with a handheld device. For instruction purposes, it is possible to run illustrations explaining eye conditions which the patient is able to read with ease from the handheld unit.

The Chicken and Egg software is Powerpoint-based and, once opened, allows easy transfer between the various presentations. A selection of the many options for display is shown below.

We tried out the unit on several elderly patients, all of whom had some degree of maculopathy. After some hesitancy over the 'high-tech' nature of the machine and the small size of the screen for some of their tastes, they all responded well. The trick that immediately needs to be learned is how best to angle the unit to avoid stray reflections which otherwise degrade the view.

Once these teething problems had been sorted out, all were able to respond well to the selection of near types available (Figure 3), the 3m acuity target simulation (Figure 4) and, perhaps most importantly, the Amsler-style grid.

None of the patients were suitable to try out the many binocular assessment targets available (Figure 6). To be able to carry a battery of charts and targets around, along with patient data makes this idea another winner, particularly for those carrying out home visits or working as a mobile optometrist.

Further details are available from Chicken and Egg on 01453 832924.



Figure 1

Figure 4

fig-2-Eye.gif fig-5-Macular.gif

Figure 2

Figure 5

fig-3-Czech.gif fig-6-Phoria.gif

Figure 3

Figure 6