
Bill Harvey: Now that we’ve found love

Bill Harvey
Optician invites ECPs to take part in the survey to help the follow-up work from TFOS DEWS II

Another Glastonbury over, another microbial keratitis averted. Thanks to whomsoever you believe in for daily disposables.  

Since the original DEWS (Dry Eye Workshop) report, way back in 2007, the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) have brought together experts from around the world with the aim of ensuring a better understanding of, initially, the composition and regulation of the pre-ocular tear film.  

Ongoing analysis of the literature led to the DEWS2 papers and, more recently, the papers on the impact of lifestyle on the ocular surface.  

A key player in TFOS, Professor James Wolfssohn, got in touch last week. An important part of TFOS reviews includes taking on board eye care professionals’ experiences in practice.  

He wrote: ‘We would really value your support in the follow-up work from TFOS DEWS II to complete a short survey on your current diagnosis and management approach to dry eye (bit.ly/2zmZUIK). 

‘The survey and resulting publications will be aimed at understanding and mapping current dry eye disease practice to inform you how your approach compares to others and to inform future research to provide more evidence-basis, especially on the best sequence of treatments based on severity/subclassification.

‘It is totally anonymous and should take about 10 minutes to complete (quite a few clicks to complete the table but relatively simple). 

‘Thank you so much in advance for giving up your valuable time to be part of this global initiative.’ 

So, why not take part and help influence future global clinical strategy? You can also access the survey via the QR code below.