
Julian Davies Opticians launches charity scheme

Julian Davies Opticians has launched an initiative where the practice presented quarterly awards of up to £1,500 towards local charities, organisations and individuals.

Chris Tannorella, managing director of Julian Davies Opticians, said: ‘We are truly committed to improving the quality of life within the communities we serve. We have been so fortunate that these communities have been loyal and supported us and we want to give back in any way we can.’

The independent, which has seven practices in South East Wales, has so far supported Llandaff City Primary School with £500 towards developing a facility for children who are neurodiverse or have additional learning needs.

The Rescue Hotel (pictured), which is part of the Cardiff Dogs Home, was also among the winners, along with Whitchurch Bowls Club and two local individuals, Alan McDermott and Maddie Rowlands, who ran the London Marathon for Orbis and Cure Parkinson’s respectively.

Members of the local community were invited to fill out an application form and a selection of winners will be chosen at the end of each quarter of the year.

Julian Davies Opticians, which is part of the Hakim Group, hoped the scheme would spread positivity across the area and ensure small organisations continued to thrive.