
View from the AOP: Revision notes

We are teaming up Bradford University to deliver a pre-registration revision course

With the GOC’s call for evidence on its Education Strategic Review, the future of optical education has been the subject of much debate for the sector in recent months.

There were many considerations including the challenges posed by growing patient needs, changes in technology and pressures on the health service.

A key theme of our response is that education should be delivered in a way that helps students build the knowledge that underpins their ability to adapt over the course of their career. Naturally, the consultation forms part of a much longer term piece of work but we hope that this is an idea that the GOC will take forward in earnest.

However, as we edge towards examination time, it is important to consider what we can do now to support the next generation of optical practitioners.

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) marks the final hurdle for optometry students on the path to registration. Graduates completing the year in a multiple setting may have access to preparation courses that are packaged and run exclusively for them.

However, we recognise that students undertaking their placement within a hospital or independent practice may have less structured opportunities to familiarise themselves with the tasks that will come up during their OSCE.

To help meet these needs, the AOP is teaming up with the School of Optometry and Vision Science at the University of Bradford to deliver a pre-registration revision course designed for students ahead of their OSCEs. The course will offer the opportunity to experience a variety of OSCE stations, under exam conditions.