About us

Optician magazine is the leading independent, weekly, UK journal for eye care professionals. Since 1891 it has been publishing news, views and analysis on all aspects of the optical profession and business. Today Optician is a leading provider of Continuing Education and Training for eye care professionals. It is currently the only independent provider of distance learning interactive CET points.

Optician’s website Opticianonline.net shares the values of the print magazine but offers a host of additional features. These include an interactive CET delivery system featuring video modules and a constantly changing array of new educational modules.

Editorial content on opticianonline.net is updated constantly with breaking news stories available to subscribers immediately.

Opticianonline.net also plays host to a range of new media feeds from the Optician writers, galleries, videos, poll and much much, more.

In addition to editorial content Optician, online and in print, have the widest range of jobs available in the optical market, classified advertising and product advertisements.

Optician and www.opticianonline.net are published by MA Healthcare.