
CLs: Wednesday webinars return

February featured the third iteration of Optician’s Contact Lens Month series of webinars

Contact lens Month (CLM) featured a series of webinars on each Wednesday evening during February. The first half of each webinar saw an Optician-selected key opinion leader interviewed by series host and Optician’s editor-in-chief Chris Bennett, before facing questions from the live audience. Part two followed a similar format with a speaker provided by the evening’s sponsor.

Recordings of all of the webinars described below can be viewed at opticiancontactlensmonth.co.uk along with downloads and resource materials.

Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) featured on February 1 with optometrist Nick Dash providing an overview of EDOF designs within visual optics. Dash has been in independent practice for 30 years and more recently has branched out into the field of ophthalmology though the Matrix Eye Clinic. He is an opinion leader in myopia management and founder of the whymyopiamatters.org website.

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