
Conference preview : Bridging the points gap

Aware of the shortfall some practitioners are experiencing in CET requirements, Replay Learning is running a series of conferences

With only a few months to go to the end of the first CET cycle, about 20 per cent of dispensing opticians have fewer than 12 CET points, according to the latest estimates from the General Optical Council.

replaysally-bates.jpgReaders of Optician will know that all optometrists and dispensing opticians need at least 36 CET points by the end of the year to stay on the GOC register. Around 50 per cent of practitioners have already reached the minimum requirement, but however many CET points one has, continuing education on relevant clinical topics is still important.

Over the past few weeks, some of the clinical education conferences offered by Replay Learning have been previewed. The conferences offer a choice of lecture and workshop tracks to suit different modes of practice. Here is a preview of courses on offer for dispensing opticians.

Legal requirements

The Opticians Act 1989 governs what optometrists and dispensing opticians can and cannot do. The rules were amended in 2005, and in this lecture GOC registrar Peter Coe explores the issues that have arisen in the implementation of the new frameworks.

This year, registrants have had to declare criminal history and health issues, and notify the GOC of their insurance cover. Next year will see the introduction of CET as a criterion for registration. This presentation will identify examples of interpreting the Act and rules in relation to registration to safeguard the public and support registrants.

Moreover, the issues raised in the government's response to the Shipman inquiry will be discussed, and the implications for optometrists and dispensing opticians will be identified.

Dispensing Dilemmas

When ordering a duplicate pair of complex powered spectacles, how do practitioners verify the current lens material, refractive index, lens form, lens design, pantoscopic tilt, optical centres - both vertical and horizontal, vertex distance and frame fitting? Do alarm bells ring when there is a difference in power of 2.00D or more between the two eyes and the patient complains that their 'previous spectacles were never quite right'?

In 'Dispensing dilemmas', an informal and interactive lecture, Sally Bates will present a range of case studies on paediatric dispensing, occupational spectacles, tinted lenses, personal eye protection, aniseikonia, anisometropia and low vision. In each case, recommendations for solving and avoiding problems will be provided.

Problem solving

When it comes to problem solving for the spectacle wearer, there is much to be said about prevention being better than cure.

Sometimes, however, even with foresight, care and skill, a case emerges that really causes practitioners to scratch their heads and ask, 'Why didn't anyone tell me about this?'

During this session, Duncan Counter will explore the art of problem solving. Under the microscope are the general principles of dispensing, communications skills and unusual optical principles and occurrences.

Lifestyle choices

Patients don't come in standard sizes, so it is important that spectacles dispensed are appropriate for individual lifestyles. This may mean increased impact resistance, UV protection or progressives tailored to a patient's occupation or hobbies.

With an ever-increasing number of niche lenses on the market, dispensing opticians have a greater range of choices than ever before.

But which are the right lenses to choose? Essilor alone has a dozen different designs of varifocals for different needs.

In this presentation, Andy Hepworth and his colleagues will discuss example cases from practice and suggest solutions from a range of manufacturers.

Conference locations

The Replay Learning clinical conferences began in Bradford earlier this month. Further conferences take place on Sundays throughout October and November in Surrey, Birmingham and London. Replay Learning is offering two places for the price of one, so with a wide choice of lectures and workshops for optometrists, dispensing opticians and contact lens opticians, in addition to training for optical assistants, the whole practice team can take part.

For further information go to www.replaylearning.com or call 0870 881 0715.