
In focus: Practices contend with climate of complaint

Legal Business
A surge of enquiries into the Optical Consumer Complaints Service and moves by the General Optical Council to improve its fitness to practise process points to an environment of increased scrutiny for eye care professionals. Joe Ayling reports

Patients are finding more reasons and ways to complain about high street services and optical practices must be ready to fight their own corner.

An annual update by the Optical Complaints Service (OCCS) showed it received 969 enquiries in the 12 months before March 2016, representing a 55.8% increase on 2014-15 activity.

Law firm Nockolds Solicitors was appointed by the GOC to run its independent mediation service for patient complaints nearly two years ago. As part of the contract it takes consumer complaints via telephone calls, emails, letters and newly introduced online complaint forms.

Among the most common themes of complaint about the profession have included the quality of optical products and customer service, according to its expansive annual report. There was also an 88% increase in practitioner contacts, the OCCS said.

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