
Myopia: Ortho-k case studies

Michelle Beach and Neil Donnelly share case study examples of how ortho-k has benefited patients

Michelle Beach 

This patient started their ortho-k journey on a Thursday, wearing Bloom night lenses on Thursday night and attended first thing Friday morning. 

Starting Rx: R -2.00 / -0.75 x 55 L -1.75 / -0.50 x 40 

In 2019, she was R & L -0.75 BEs and could not go into myopia management originally as under hospital due to severe binocular vision issues, which started during the pandemic. She has been under hospital and had squint surgery last year to stabilise binocular vision.

Upon discharge, she was given an all clear by her ophthalmologist and came back into my care in May 2023. Patient is also a keen netball player and musician. Father is R -6.75 L -8.75. Mother hyperopic. Patient after five night wear: R -0.25 L plano.  


Neil Donnelly 

My patient was a female born in 2004. Her father was a high myope (RE -9.50 LE -8.75/-0.75 x 90) and mother had mild astigmatism (RE 0.00/-0.50 x 180 LE +0.25/-0.50 x 10).  

In January 2015: RE -0.50 LE -0.50/-0.25 x 90 VA 6/5; and May 2015: RE -1.25 LE -0.75/-0.50 x 90 VA 6/5.  

After discussion with the parents and the child it was decided to fit with ortho-k lenses. After first night’s wear: Rx RE -0.50 LE -0.25. After one week wear: RE Plano LE Plano Vision 6/5.

Patient tolerated the lenses very well with no comfort or vision issues. Examinations carried out every six months, with the ortho-k lenses replaced every six months.

Patient is now 18 years old and still wearing the ortho-k lenses every night. There was one incident when she was 17 and stopped wearing the lenses for six weeks due to an illness.

After the six-week period her prescription was RE -1.00 LE -0.75/-0.50 x 95; so very similar to when she started the ortho-k in 2015.