Business always has a bottom line. You may enthusiastically get your start-up launched with a view to helping a few people, but if you are not making enough money to pay your rent, staff, suppliers and yourself then you soon find your ‘bottom line’ kicked to the curb.
The ‘bottom line’ is the phrase I hear over and again, when I am travelling around the country delivering our CET Seeing Beyond the Eyes road show, which is for dispensing opticians and optometrists who are not investing in low vision services.
Most of you genuinely want, just as the politicians always say, ‘to do the right thing’ for low vision patients and deliver the vital services they need. You struggle, however, like the Chancellor losing nights’ sleep over his budget, to balance doing the right thing with doing the right thing financially. Put bluntly, you consider low vision patients to be low profit and low priority.
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