
AOP warns over excluding eye care from NHS plans

The Association of Optometrists (AOP) has welcomed the NHS announcement to implement digital improvements in dentistry and pharmacy services, but warns that not including optometry services will risk holding care back.

Responding to the government’s announcement, AOP chief executive Adam Sampson said: ‘Any drive to modernise that does not tackle the lack of basic IT connectivity between optometry and ophthalmology can only be described as a missed opportunity.’

The AOP has called on the government to commission extended community optometry services and recommended that all optometry practices have access to an NHS email account to ensure a ‘safe and secure route’ to communicate with secondary care colleagues across optometry and ophthalmology.

‘Optometrists are available on community high streets across the country, and they are ready to make full use of their clinical skills and diagnostic equipment to improve eye health outcomes for patients,’ he added.