
BCLA Asia 2024 hosted for first time in China

An event was held in China by the BCLA for the first time on March 8-9, attracting 1,600 attendees and 150 delegates for the BCLA segment in Chenghu, Sichuan Province.

The two day event was jointly organised by BCLA, the Sichuan Association of Optometry and Eye Care, and hosted by West China Hospital, Sichuan University.

During the opening ceremony, BCLA chairman Rakesh Kapoor and Professor Liu Longqian from West China Hospital, Sichuan University highlighted the importance of global collaboration in advancing optometric research and cultivating young talent.

Top experts from around the world discussed key topics including myopia prevention and control, dry eye treatment, corneal contact lenses and care, and special corneal contact lenses.

Graduates of the BCLA Contact Lens Fitting Continuing Education Training Course, delivered in China, received certificates of completion during the event, pictured above.

BCLA CEO Luke Stevens-Burt and professor James Wolffsohn, head of optometry at Aston University, also provided a comprehensive introduction to BCLA's vision, scope of services, history, and global continuing education initiatives.

‘The success of BCLA ASIA 2024 not only strengthened communication and cooperation between regional and international optometric communities but also fostered supportive, professional ties between China and the UK in specialist care within optometry,’ said Stevens-Burt.