
College warns against Halloween contact lens wear

The College of Optometrists has warned against wearing novelty cosmetic contact lenses this Halloween, unless they have been supplied by an optometrist.

Many people are unaware about the health risks posed by novelty lenses and that it is also illegal to purchase contact lenses unless they are supplied by registered health professionals.

Dr Paramdeep Bilkhu, a clinical adviser at The College, said: ‘Costume lenses are often purchased on the internet, and in most cases by people who are not regular contact lens wearers. Not only do they not know whether the product is safe, they are also less likely to know how to handle and care for them properly. 

As well as potentially being made from poor quality or unsuitable materials, Bilkhu said that the lenses are also not made to measure and run the risk of causing sight-threatening eye infections.

‘The centre of costume lenses may not line up properly with the wearer’s pupil, if not fitted correctly, making them less able to see. This can be extremely dangerous, particularly if they plan to drive while wearing them,’ he added.