
General Election: Sector has its say

Optics has started to react to the announcement of a general election on July 4 2024. After months of speculation as to when the general would be held, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the July 4 polling date yesterday (May 22).

The AOP has called for the next government to renew its focus on primary care systems and transform healthcare for patients.

Ahead of the general election on July 4, the AOP’s chief executive Adam Sampson said swift and efficient action was required to address the cracks in the healthcare system.

‘Optometry is primed and ready to reduce the pressure on services which are buckling under the demand – too often at the expense of patients. Healthcare that is patient-first needs to be a priority and that means the consistent commissioning of clinical care in the community that is convenient, quicker, and closer to home. We need to end the postcode lottery of eye care in England,’ Sampson said.

Giles Edmonds, clinical services director at Specsavers, told Optician: ‘The general election being called is an important moment for the country. The health service will be a key battleground, which means that community optometry and audiology have an opportunity to showcase how we can do even more to support patients and the NHS.

‘This is not about being party political, but it is about doing the right thing by our patients and communities. Together, we can change lives by ensuring eye and ear health is on the agenda.’

More reaction will be added here as it comes in.

If you have an opinion on what the general election could mean for healthcare policy and optometry, please email