
GOC appoints multiple experts to commitee

GOC appoints multiple experts to committeesVision Express CEO Jonathan Lawson and former Boots Opticians director Richard Edwards are among four new appointments on the General Optical Council advisory committees

Vision Express CEO Jonathan Lawson and former Boots Opticians director Richard Edwards are among four new appointments on the General Optical Council advisory committees.

‘The advice of our advisory committees plays a vital role in enabling Council to make high-quality decisions,’ said GOC chair Gareth Hadley.

‘All four appointees show a tremendous depth and breadth of experience and expertise. I’m confident that we have filled our committee vacancies with candidates of the highest calibre.

‘I look forward to working with them over the coming years and know they will all be able to make a huge contribution to our work. It’s vital as Council works towards our new strategic objectives, including promoting higher standards and dealing with complaints more quickly and effectively, that we will be able to call on such high-level expertise.’


Lawson and Edwards will take up positions on the GOC’s companies committee and will be joined by new standards committee member Glenn Tomison and Professor Hilary Tompsett, who joins the education committee.

Dispensing optician Tomison is a former director of the Optical Consumer Complaints Service and co-chair of the Optical Confederation Education Committee and current Chair of FODO. Professor Tompsett is Emeritus Professor of Social Work at Kingston University and St George’s University of London and a former vice chair of the general social care council.