
Google to stop sales of Glass Explorer edition

Sales of the current Explorer edition of Google Glass are to cease on January 19, Google has announced

Sales of the Explorer edition of Google Glass are to cease on January 19, Google has announced.

Google insisted that it remained committed to smart eyewear, but said it would now work on ‘future versions of Glass,’ carried out by a new dedicated division away from Google x, which initially developed the concept.

‘Interest in wearables has exploded and today it’s one of the most exciting areas in technology. Glass at Work has been growing and we’re seeing incredible developments with Glass in the workplace. As we look to the road ahead, we realise that we’ve outgrown the lab and so we’re officially “graduating” from Google x to be our own team here at Google. We’re thrilled to be moving even more from concept to reality,’ said the company on its website.

The Explorer programme launched in the United States in 2013 and in the UK in the summer of 2014.

No timescale for new versions of Glass was given.