
Manchester hospital offers ultra-wide field OCT

News Hospitals



Manchester Royal Eye Hospital was the first in the UK to use Canon’s ultra-wide field Xephilio OCT-S1 angiography machine in a patient-facing setting.


The Widefield OCT A machine from Canon was purchased through charitable funds provided the by Manchester Foundation Trust Charity, which supports the trust’s ten hospitals.


Professor of Ophthalmology and Consultant Ophthalmologist, Tariq Aslam said: ‘With this new equipment we can improve patient care by offering immediate scans as simple as taking a picture to look for potentially blinding disease.  


‘This technology will help our clinicians to make rapid diagnoses of many conditions and prevent and treat the most common forms of sight loss.’


The Xephilio OCT-S1 was said to capture wide-field images of up to 110 degrees by montaging several OCTA images together as well as achieving scan speeds of 100,000 A-scans per second.