
Optegra steps up enhanced services training

​Hospital group runs events targeting qualified and student optometrists

Hospital group Optegra Eye Health Care has run a series of events targeting qualified and student optometrists.

Dr Clare O’Donnell, head of research arm Optegra Eye Sciences, has led CET training for optometrists at Boots Opticians, Vision Express and students through its regional clinics

Attendees were invited into a consultation room to review cases, discuss referral criteria, interpret scans, go through clinical outcomes and see the improvement in vision that can be achieved after treatment.

Future Optegra events would include a series of undergraduate training days from September and a MECS OSCE session for the Confederation of Greater Manchester LOCs on October 15.

Dr O’Donnell said: ‘With the introduction of enhanced services schemes, there is now a drive for optoms to be much more involved than ever before, for example in glaucoma diagnosis and management, and so many need to up-skill. There is a definite request for more knowledge on how to interpret a range of clinical finds such as more subtle signs in anterior eye signs and optic nerve head assessment.’

She was pictured (centre) with students from Aston University during a training day at Optegra Eye Hospital Birmingham.