
Optical Express nurse to set sail in Sierra Leone

Optical Express ophthalmic nurse Maureen Cook will volunteer for four weeks in Sierra Leone in February 2024 on a hospital ship with charity organisation Mercy Ships.

Cook will work alongside a team of pharmacists, radiographers and speech therapists, optometrists and surgeons to treat children suffering from debilitating eye conditions, including cataracts.

In her role, Cook will prepare patients’ eyes for surgery and observe their recovery as well as assist the surgeon and give post-operative information to children and their families.

‘I am excited to travel to Sierra Leone and I am really looking forward to the experience. Training as an ophthalmic nurse has been a learning experience and being able to take my skills and apply them to volunteer in this capacity is a privilege,’ she said.

Optical Express chairman and CEO David Moulsdale said that he was delighted that ‘employees share our company values of giving back, and drawing attention to the provision of vital eye care services for those in need’.

To help raise funds to cover her travel expenses, medical costs and living arrangements, please visit Cook's JustGiving page.