
Optometrist Christopher Flatt is cleared of misconduct allegations

Optometrist Christopher Flatt has been cleared of misconduct allegations relating to record keeping

Optometrist Christopher Flatt has been cleared of misconduct allegations relating to record keeping.

A General Optical Council fitness to practise committee alleged that Flatt failed to detect clinically indicated significant astigmatism in a child patient on three occasions. After significant uncorrected refractive error was found by a hospital eye clinic, the registrant underwent assessment and a review of clinical records of 10 child patients. The assessment found that ocular motor tests had not been record in three cases.

The registrant admitted to the majority of the allegations but disputed those relating to the ocular motor tests. Flatt was said to have displayed understanding of binocular vision problems and understanding of ocular motor balance while giving evidence.

The committee said while there had been a breach of the code of conduct, it did not deem it serious enough to amount to misconduct.