
Optometry Scotland investigates OCT investment

Eilidh Thomson

A group has been created by Optometry Scotland to investigate the need for investment in new technology to treat patients requiring eye care.

It will explore the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in community optometry to determine the benefits and value of additional investment and the potential for expansion across Scotland.

Optometrist Eilidh Thomson, vice chair of Optometry Scotland, said: ‘We are incredibly fortunate to live in a day and age where technology can serve such a fundamental role in the healthcare process. However, this can only provide value to patients if access is equitable.

‘Universal provision of OCT scanning would improve the quality of care optometrists can provide across the country, and in turn benefit the health of the nation. Optometry Scotland is pleased to be launching the group now and look forward to presenting results and recommendations to the government later this year’

The group included stakeholders from across eye care industry and would run for approximately six months before presenting findings to the Scottish government.