
Polaroid adds solutions offer

Polaroid will release a range of traditionally packaged contact lens solutions and eye drops when it launches its single-use, pre-filled Contactspod lens case at the beginning of May.

The solutions and wetting drops were displayed alongside the Contactspod at the launch of the Polaroid Best Under the Sun 2012 line in London last week.

Jim Hall, CEO and chairman of Polaroid Contact Lens Solutions, said he had been astounded by the interest shown in the Contactspod (Products 20.01.12) and Polaroid branded solutions.

He said the Polaroid brand name was very strong around the world and opened up possibilities for sales in regions where solutions brands were yet to be established.

Although the Contactspod is designed to be sold through airports, hotels, travel and duty-free shops, Hall said interest had also been shown from the army, A&E departments and the police. 'The police have a duty of care,' said Hall, 'and as the police say, "some of our clients don't expect to be spending the night with us".'

Polaroid's research shows that about eight out of ten contact lens wearers had been caught out needing solutions and cases. The problem said Hall even affects daily disposable wearers who forget to take extra pairs.

He said at the moment the only option is to buy a flight pack or larger size of solution. This leads to waste as they are frequently opened and used just once. Although the Contactspod is designed for single use it is made from recyclable materials. A similar approach has been taken with a range of single use single-dose of wetting drops.

'I'm not looking to take on Ciba Vision or Alcon in terms of their technology, I'm listening to what people want in terms of convenience and providing innovative packaging solutions.'

He said he didn't expect any of the new products to be sold using traditional channels of supply and talks were on going with potential retailers.