
Profession issues new complaints guidance

Professional Eye health
Recent revisions made by the Department of Health (DoH) to the NHS complaints procedures will mean significant practical changes to the way in which optical practices in England offering GOS services deal with patient complaints.

Recent revisions made by the Department of Health (DoH) to the NHS complaints procedures will mean significant practical changes to the way in which optical practices in England offering GOS services deal with patient complaints.

In response, optical bodies ABDO, FODO and the AOP have issued joint guidance for practitioners outlining how to deal with NHS complaints in order to comply with the new regulations.

In a statement, the optical bodies also expressed disappointment that the new regulations, which apply to all health professions, were extended to include the optical sector, without consultation.

Major changes to be applied to GOS contracts will include a requirement for practice owners to report annually to a primary care trust the number and the nature of all the complaints they have received and provide a record of the actions taken by the practice to address them.

However, under the new regulations, GOS contractors are not required to record a complaint if it is made orally and is resolved within 24 hours. In addition, in terms of record-keeping, complaints about private services or dispensing matters can be recorded at the discretion of the practitioner, as they are not covered by the new regulations.

Commenting on these changes and speaking on behalf of all the optical bodies, FODO chief executive David Hewlett said: 'These changes apply to the whole of the NHS and, once again, have been imposed on the profession through force majeure. They will involve considerable more work but have been imposed by Parliament on everyone without any reflection in fees. Fortunately, the high standards in the optical sector mean at least we have far fewer complaints than the other sectors affected.'

Hewlett added that the DoH would be making changes to GOS contracts in due course to bring them in line with the changes imposed by Parliament.