
Think positive and enter the Awards

Few New Years can have started off as wet and windy as 2014 but even the stormy weather has failed to dampen enthusiasm for the business outlook in the 12 months ahead.

Politicians have talked about 2014 as a year of consolidation, the economic indicators are good, employment continues to rise as does the stock market. The manufacturing sector in particular is bullish, with over half of those taking part in an engineering employers? survey expecting a good year compared to none when asked the same question of 2013.

On the high street, Christmas proved a bumper year for some retailers. House of Fraser did particularly well and said holding its nerve and avoiding discounts was the secret of its success. As ever, confidence plays a large part in business.

Optical practices are fortunate in that they can rightly be confident and believe in what they do. One great way to endorse that feeling is to be recognised by your peers and the Optician Awards is a great opportunity to gain that recognition. Have a look at Common reactions among Optician Award winners are: ?I didn?t think practices like mine won Awards?, or: ?going through the process of entering the Optician Awards was a really useful exercise.?

On the strength of the above comments, entering the Optician Awards could turn out to be a very positive action to start off a very positive year.