
Introducing the Talia RTA (Retinal Thickness Analyser) 5 and VSL Stroke Risk Analysis

Simon Jones

RTA 5 Technology. The RTA 5 represents a new perspective in diagnostic imaging. It is the first system which integrates high speed scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) with high resolution digital fundus imaging for early detection, diagnosis, and progression analysis of pathology involving the macula, perimacular regions, optic nerve head, and peripapillary regions of the retina.

VSL Analyser. Talia offer another unique and innovative test. "VSL". Software based it allows accurate measurement of the arteries and corresponding veins and provides a patient stroke risk/hypertensive analysis. Results are compared to a powerful normative data base produced from the ARIC study. The VSL software can be purchased separately from the RTA unit and can utilised in conjunction with a new or existing fundus camera adding value to an existing/new investment, increasing your patient services and further differentiating and enhancing your practice.

Facts to ponder: 15 million people each year suffer strokes and 5 million are left permanently disabled. Stroke causes substantial demands in individual, family and healthcare resources. Early detection of possible stroke predictors and risk factors can lead to life-style changes and/or medical treatments that can prevent stroke. Early treatment saves lives and increases the chance of making a better recovery.

For further detailed information please download attachements below or visit http://www.talia.com

BIB Ophthalmic Instruments. Tel: 0044 (0) 1438 740823 Email: sales@bibonline.co.uk