
Letter: Actus exposed

​Actus appears to have exposed him/herself as a registered dispensing optician

Actus (Optician 23.11.18) appears to have exposed him/herself as a registered dispensing optician, and one whose powers of deduction leave much to be desired. Actus took a cheap shot at the GOC, claiming their statistics regarding the number of registrants meeting the CET requirement don’t add up.

But Actus failed to appreciate that the ‘peer average’ of 22 CET points, to which he/she refers is the average number of CET points completed to date by dispensing opticians, not by all GOC registrants. The number of CET points achieved by optometrists to date is 33. Given that optometrists outnumber dispensing opticians by more than two to one, this makes the GOC’s claim that 14,000 of a total of 22,000 registrants have already met their CET requirement seem entirely plausible.

What is most surprising is that a dispensing optician, whose colleagues appear to be the ones struggling the most to meet the existing CET requirements, should advocate increasing the requirement as high as 300 CET points over three years. Perhaps Actus has a vested interest in providing more CET to more of us.