
Letter: It wasn’t Kevin Lewis

I have to make it quite plain to the entire profession that I did not write the locum letter

On November 4, 2016, you published a letter which was entitled ‘mystery letter deplores locum apathy’ and it was attributed to an author whose name was withheld.

As I have been asked by numerous friends and colleagues over the past week whether I had anything to do with the letter, I have to make it quite plain to the entire profession, including past colleagues of mine on the disciplinary committee and council of the GOC, fellow past presidents of the College of Optometrists, fellow members of Essex LOC, the City University where I was a visiting clinician for several years and fellow independent owner optometrists that I had absolutely nothing to do with writing this obvious soapbox rant.

Every member of the profession who knows me, would be aware that I would have nothing to do with writing letters to the optical press while withholding my name as author.

I am also disappointed that such a respected publication as Optician would publish an anonymous letter with such a detailed CV without being suspicious that it could be have been written by either someone committing identity fraud or just wishing to embarrass a College past president. The CV was so obvious to you that I received a telephone call two days before publication to ask whether I had written it by your good self.

Having spoken to the vast majority of past presidents of the College of Optometrists over the past few days, I would like to make it clear that none of us would condone the tone or content of the letter and I am sure that it does not reflect the policies or sentiment of anybody at the College.

Kevin P Lewis, Basildon, Essex