
View from ABDO: A state of ‘busy-ness’ surrounds us

​Optics these days has changed beyond all recognition

Optics these days has changed beyond all recognition. Gone are the days when we could accurately predict busy periods and quieter times in practice. The peaks and troughs of business belong to a bygone era.

This said, a state of ‘busy-ness’ seems to surround us, and no more so than now in the hectic run up to Christmas which seems to start earlier each year. Time seems to rapidly slip past and we seem to be in a constant state of flux.

Having recently attended the National Optical Conference (NOC) I was genuinely relieved to hear that many of the Primary Eyecare Companies (PECs) were joining together to form Sustainable Transformation Partnerships (STPs) and basically join together to deliver services across wider areas to more patients.

Surely this can only be good? As an optician practicing in Scotland, delivering services via a nationally commissioned agreement, I have had to learn a new language which is changing and evolving day-to-day to understand service delivery south of the border.

The announcement from ABDO in the latter part of November that contact lens opticians can now begin the accreditation process to be involved in the delivery of Minor Eye Conditions Services will not only increase the scope of practice for the individuals concerned, but, will be a huge asset to any company, independent or corporate, as they can be involved at the forefront of enhanced services delivery in areas where they are commissioned and help relieve pressure in crowded practices where optometrists struggle to see all their patients.

Whatever your role in this wonderful world of optics I hope you have a restful time over the forthcoming holiday period and come back refreshed for of 2018.