
Echoes of the Past: Contact lens conferences

This weekend’s (June 6-9) British Contact Lens Association clinical conference and exhibition at the ICC Birmingham brings together delegates and exhibitors from around the world to see developments in contact lens manufacturing and clinical care

This weekend’s (June 6-9) British Contact Lens Association clinical conference and exhibition at the ICC Birmingham brings together delegates and exhibitors from around the world to see developments in contact lens manufacturing and clinical care.

But what were contact lens conferences like 50 years ago? This week’s Echoes of the Past looks at an article published in the June 1964 issue of Optician sister-title, Manufacturing Optician, on Britain’s first International Contact Lens Congress which took place in Bath in late May.

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The conference, reported to have generated more interest than other similar events of the time, drew some 300 delegates from 17 countries and 11 exhibitors. The Contact Lens Society and the Association of Contact Lens Manufacturers put together programme of 29 lectures from international ophthalmologists, opticians and manufacturers. Potential contact lens penetration was speculated on by the number of delegates wearing spectacles when attending lectures.


The issue’s editorial notes and comments also alluded to the potential of the contact lens market, with a report from the Congress’ Banquet. The then GOC chairman predicted that the industry would be a potent force in the optical world within four years. The editorial notes pondered on whether this actually meant that demand for contact lens practice would quickly cannibalise the public demand for spectacles.

Elsewhere in the issue, the Shop Talk column considered further expected ‘invasions’ from overseas manufacturers, especially in the frame sector and whether British ophthalmic laboratories could trade around Europe.