
Regulations revisited

Emma White explores the latest developments in sight testing regulations for drivers plus ongoing efforts to promote and ensure road safety

Eighty-one-year-old Neil Pemberton was driving on the A666 at Langho in March 2022 when he hit and killed 80-year-old pedestrian Peter Westhill. Glyn Jones, 68, tragically knocked down and killed two women in Southport in 2021, while 82-year-old Peter Gardner collided with a cyclist while driving in Whitchurch, causing fatal injuries.

Defective eye sight was judged to be the leading cause of the accidents in each case. Pemberton had no vision in his right eye and very poor vision in his left, while an optometrist said Jones would have struggled to see his steering wheel without vision correction. Jail terms were issued, serving as a deterrent, but the lives are still tragically lost.

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