1 Salmon
Studies have shown that those who follow a Mediterranean style diet that includes oily fish and a good source of omega-3, have a reduced risk of developing macular degeneration, a condition that results in blurred vision. Cold water fish, such as salmon and tuna, are great for keeping your eyes moist and feeling healthy. They contain lots of omega-3 which helps prevent dry eyes, macular degeneration (AMD) and even cataracts. Omega-3 fatty acids provide structural support to cell membranes in the eye. If you don’t eat fish, you can get plenty of omega-3 from flaxseeds or diet supplements.
2 Avocado
Yes, that’s right, millennials are on to something. Avocados are packed with the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin and these reduce the amount of damaging light to the eye, therefore reducing the risk of AMD and cataracts. Avocados are also rich in vitamin C. Nutrients such as vitamin C have been associated with helping to protect and keep your eyes healthy as it may help provide protection against UV damage.
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