
GOC welcomes Professional Standards Authority Performance Review

Professional Standards Authority Annual Review of Performance 2017/18

Publication of the Professional Standards Authority Annual Review of Performance 2017/18 has been welcomed by the GOC.

It met 22 out of 24 Standards of Good Regulation, with the two missed relating to data errors on the register and the total time taken to process fitness to practise (FTP) complaints.

Chief executive and registrar at the GOC Lesley Longstone said: ‘We welcome The Authority’s report and their feedback on our work to protect the public. We have endeavoured to improve the initial assessment activity we undertake at triage stage when we receive an FTP complaint, so we are pleased to see this is recognised in us meeting the relevant standard.

'We are committed to reducing the time it takes to investigate FTP concerns, and will ensure that cases are regularly reviewed and closed at an earlier stage where there is no ongoing risk to the public.’