
International Eyewear supports ‘Wear it Pink’

British frame supplier International Eyewear has joined forces with the Breast Cancer Now charity to ‘Wear it Pink’ for the month of October

British frame supplier International Eyewear has joined forces with the Breast Cancer Now charity to ‘Wear it Pink’ for the month of October.

The company has offered practices the opportunity to participate in the initiative with special Storm London promotional packages.

For £111, practices receive 12 ophthalmic frames of their choice and a £10 point of sale package. The £222 package boasts 24 Storm London ophthalmic frames and a £55 point of sale package.

Free Storm London S507 frames are on offer to practices purchasing either package. Anyone who Tweets a photo of themselves in the frames using the hashtags #wearitpink or #STORMpink and donating £1 to, will have their contribution matched by the company.