
Moorfields picture gallery

An online portrait gallery of Moorfields staff celebrated their contributions

Moorfields Eye Hospital has launched an online portrait gallery of its staff to celebrate their contribution during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The ‘Faces of Moorfield’ gallery was inspired by Rankin’s recent portrait series of frontline NHS staff and featured doctors, nurses, pharmacists, healthcare technicians, domestic workers, administrators, security, and Noah the guide dog. Each portrait photograph shows an individual member of staff, many in their uniforms, from just above the waist.

Moorfields chief executive, David Probert, said: ‘I am truly honoured to have been part of such an incredibly dedicated and inspiring team at Moorfields. Our staff, clinical and non-clinical, have shown great resilience and leadership during the pandemic whilst continuing to provide the very best care to patients.’

Brendan Wimsey, a logistics operative at the hospital, added: ‘To be recognised as part of the overall picture, even though I work behind the scenes, makes me feel proud.’