
Occuity announces oculomics patent milestones

Co-founders Dr Robin Taylor and Dr Dan Daly

Medical technology company Ocuity has filed a new patent application for a non-invasive screening tool for diabetes, part of its UK-supported SD1 project.

The technology builds on the company’s existing PM1 and AX1 optical platforms for the development of compact, cost-effective and accessible handheld devices.

Chief technology officer and co-founder Dr Robin Taylor said: ‘We hope to fundamentally change the approach to healthcare with a move toward preventative medicine.

‘This patent application is a huge step toward our long-term goal of achieving an easy-to-develop screening tool for chronic diseases such as Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease.’

A patent was recently granted for the company’s electro-mechanical design for precise linear scanning over a long range at more than 200 scans per second.

The company also reported that four UK patents are now being filed in the EU, US, China, and India.