
Multifarious multifocals

Rory Brogan

Perhaps it's my age or perhaps it is contact lens technology but there is an awful lot of activity in the multifocal contact lens area at the momen


Perhaps it's my age or perhaps it is contact lens technology but there is an awful lot of activity in the multifocal contact lens area at the moment.

The idea of multifocal contact lenses is nothing news and most of the big providers have had a go at cracking the market. Today's emerging presbyopes became wearers in the 1980s and 1990s just as daily disposables became an affordable reality and more comfortable and breathable materials became available.

The very same people are the kind of wearers who would crawl over hot coals to keep their lenses in. The lenses just need to provide the necessary vision and comfort. The latest clutch of lenses do just that. CooperVision's Biofinity  really made people sit up and take notice and receieved rave reviews, that was followed up by the daily option Proclear 1-Day which took a modified monovision route.

More recently Bausch & Lomb's Biotrue provided a real insight into just how effective a good multifocal lens can be and the possibility of that elusive wow factor. I was also promoted this year in a more consumerist fashion to members of the national press.

I had the priviledge of attending a traininig day for a new Johnson & Johnson lens in the same sector which promises to raise the bar even further.The full deatils aren't revealed until the BCLA later this summer in Liverpool but Optician provides a sneaky peek this week too.