
Workplace Guide: Multiple options for ownership

Mike Hale surveys some of the partnership options with optical chains

Practice ownership is considered a career aim by many eye care professionals (ECPs). A survey conducted by Optician in 2021 found that 38% of respondents had considered practice ownership in some form of partnership with a chain, compared to 32% that were more interested in sole ownership. So, what are some of the options for partnerships and how can ECPs position themselves to achieve these roles?

‘We provide two business ownership options. The first is the full format franchise, being 100% owned by the franchisee and with just a 12.5% fee,’ says Ryan Leighton, CEO at Leightons Opticians & Hearing Care. ‘In addition, we also have a joint venture that works to provide existing business owners or motivated optometrists and dispensing opticians with a collaborative option. Both options provide the business owning optometrist or dispensing optician with all the back office support.’

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