
Charity glaucoma grant for Nigeria

It will enable a glaucoma management toolkit and training of specialists

An annual grant of £10,000 for up to three years has been made available by the Spectacle Makers’ charity to help tackle glaucoma in Nigeria.

The funding will enable a dedicated website to be established through which glaucoma practitioners from low-income countries, especially in Africa, will be discuss cases and share learning in all aspects of glaucoma care and management. It will also rollout a glaucoma management toolkit across Nigeria and training of glaucoma specialists throughout the country.

Spectacle Makers’ Charity chair of trustees Liz Shilling said: ‘It is a great pleasure to be supporting this project. It stood out among the many applications we received for 3-year support. We look forward to seeing this project progress and deliver real impact over the next three years, making a material difference for people who would otherwise face loss of sight through glaucoma.’