
CHECT: CUES offers hope for diagnosis

The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust has welcomed the launch of CUES

The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust (CHECT) has welcomed the launch of Covid-19 Urgent Eye Services (CUES) as an additional potential route to diagnosis.

Figures released by CHECT show that 24% of children diagnosed with retinoblastoma in 2020 took over six months to be diagnosed, up from an average of 9% over the previous eight years. Only 35% of children were referred within the recommended two-week period.

Patrick Tonks, CEO of CHECT, noted the pressures eye care practitioners had been under but said: ‘The delays in diagnosis we have seen in 2020 have the potential to seriously impact the prognosis for babies and children with eye cancer.’

Information on the signs and symptoms of retinoblastoma can be found at