
Optometrist warned by GOC

Fitness to practice

Optometrist Steven Harris has been given a one-year warning by a General Optical Council fitness to practise committee after it found him guilty of misconduct.

The allegations against the registrant related to a series of visits by a female patient over the age of 60, who, in 2009, was diagnosed as having a retinal tear and partial detachment in the left eye. A retinopexy followed.

At a routine consultation in 2011, the registrant found that the patient had significant visual acuity loss in her left eye but failed to undertake adequate investigations. The committee said this was compounded by his incorrect belief that the patient remained under the care of the hospital since her operation.

The patient was sufficiently concerned to request her sight test results to take to her GP, which resulted in further specialist investigations which revealed a macular hole which required surgery.

The committee said that Harris had an unblemished record which was supported by many references and testimonials and said it took into account his full and frank admissions. It also accepted his evidence as to the 'comprehensive steps' that he had taken to remediate his practice.