
Freemen welcomed at WCSM ceremony

New freemen are admitted at WCSM ceremony

A total of 15 freemen were admitted by The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers during its annual ceremony in London this week.

The WCSM also recognised optical assistants and technicians who have passed their examinations at its Apothecaries’ Hall headquarters.

In the past year the livery company has admitted 48 new freemen representing 27 different professions and working across the world. Recipients of the WCSM certificates and diplomas also become eligible to apply for company freedoms.

Master spectacle maker John McGregor (pictured centre) said: ‘As technology continues to develop in the field of vision care, the role of optical assistants becomes increasingly important as the front line of the relationship between the patient and the eyecare practitioner.

‘The role of the technician is also changing. Achievement of these unique qualifications is a testament to the hard work that the candidates have put in and provides a great platform for them to develop their careers in optics further.’