Active CPD

CPD Archive

Hearing and hearing loss: an eye care practitioner’s guide - part 2

Bill Harvey explains the various management strategies available to those with hearing impairment

C55523: Nutrition and AMD part 2 – advice to patients

In the second of our series looking at how nutrition may influence the progress of macular degeneration, Dr Rebekah Stevens and Dr Hannah Bartlett look at the development of a strategy to tailor advice to each patient

Progressive power lenses - part 7

In the seventh part of our comprehensive series discussing progressive spectacle lens design, Professor Mo Jalie looks at the fitting of the lenses

Myopia – part 3

In part three in our series looking at myopia, Ross Grant considers how we might apply what is currently known to practice

C55411: Lifting the lid on dry eye practice – part 4: case studies

Craig McArthur continues his series on developing a specialist care service for common ocular surface disorders with an in-depth look at an individual case of management of blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction

C55413: Evaluating the best evidence for clinical decision-making

Increasingly, our clinical actions and the advice we offer to patients is influenced by the latest research published. But how are we to interpret the many studies and their outcomes? In the first in an occasional series looking at research analysis and its influence on modes of practice, Dr Catherine Suttle explains how we might interpret published evidence

C55291: Drug abuse and ocular health - awareness and recommended approach

Dr Doina Gherghel and Gurudutt Sidhu review the ocular impact of recreational drugs, legal and illegal, and offer advice on how to approach patients showing evidence of use or abuse

C55327: Macular holes – and can they be caused by a minor fall?

Dr Narendra Kumar uses an interesting case of traumatically induced macular hole as a background to discuss this important cause of central vision loss

C55224: Depression: A guide for eye care practitioners – part 2

In the second of two articles looking at the impact of sight loss on mental health, Claire Nollett, one of the DEPVIT study research team, explains the nature and extent of depression in the UK

Nutrition and AMD - part 1

In the first of a two-part series, Dr Rebekah Stevens and Dr Hannah Bartlett review the evidence for nutritional influence upon the progression of age related macular degeneration