Active CPD

CPD Archive

Nanotechnology in ophthalmology: An update

Developments in nanotechnology present new opportunities in treatment of ocular disease and in the evolution of ophthalmic pharmaceuticals

Autofluorescence in imaging

Grant Duncan explains use of autofluorescence in imaging and demonstrates its clinical application

A brief history of OCT

Since its ophthalmic application was identified, OCT technology has advanced in leaps and bounds. Lewis Williams provides a brief overview of the technology’s origins and evolution

Lifting the lid on dry eye practice – part 6

In the latest in our series aimed at those thinking about setting up a specialised dry eye clinical service, Craig McArthur looks at the diagnosis and management of aqueous deficiency dry eye disease

Information storage and transfer - part 2

In the second in our series looking at the legal requirements in providing a safe clinical service, Dr Douglas Clarkson examines the increasingly important area of appropriate identification, labelling and classification of devices and instrumentation

Eye tracking and its clinical application in optometry

Professor David Thomson explains the development of eye tracking technology and how recent developments have opened up its use in optometry

A guide to fixation disparity

Andrew Franklin explains the concept of fixation disparity and how it might be measured and interpreted

Progressive power lenses - part 11

Professor Mo Jalie discusses the recently introduced eighth generation of progressive lens design

Contact lens dropout - interactive

This month’s interactive CET is designed to encourage discussion of how to predict possible causes of contact lens dropout and to consider pre-emptive measures to minimise the risk of it happening. Bill Harvey explains

Key moments in soft toric contact lens fitting

Elizabeth Lumb offers a refresher for toric contact lens fitting, emphasising the key points to consider during the process