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CPD Archive

Lifestyle and eye care 3 - A move to the dark side: The role of dark adaptation

In the latest in the series looking at developments in our understanding of retinal physiology and how this may ultimately influence the detection and prevention of common eye disease, Dr Rohit Narayan describes the physiology of photoreception and how being able to measure changes to dark adaptation may present a useful future means of early disease detection (C77774, one distance learning CET point suitable for optometrists and dispensing opticians)

Fundamentals of ophthalmic dispensing part 16: Visual task analysis 2

In this second article on visual task analysis Peter Black and Tina Arbon Black look at dispensing solutions to the visual problems in the real world of work, home and leisure activities including aspects of regulations and standards relating to health & safety, display screen equipment and driving (C77715, one distance learning CET point suitable for optometrists and dispensing opticians)

Developments in electronic low vision aids: Assistive technology – 2

In the second of this series looking at modern technology and its adaptation for the visually impaired, Bill Harvey focuses on the many and varied settings options now included as standard in the latest tablets and smartphones (C77655, one distance learning CET point suitable for optometrists and dispensing opticians)

Is contrast sensitivity relevant to optometric practice?

Cirta Tooth discusses the role of contrast sensitivity in detecting pathology and how common eye diseases affect it and considers how this impact affects performance in undertaking everyday visual tasks (C 77629, one distance learning CET point suitable for optometrists and dispensing opticians)

Covid-19 and contact lenses: Keeping it simple in the ‘new normal’

Karen Walsh and Professor Lyndon Jones examine how Covid-19 has affected routine contact lens practice and what that means for both eye care practitioners and their patients (C77595, one distance learning CET point suitable for optometrists, contact lens opticians and dispensing opticians)

Soft toric contact lenses: Aligning patient expectations and eye care professional attitudes

In this article Krupa Patel and Karen Walsh examine the expectations around soft toric lenses from both the practitioner and patient’s point of view. It serves as a timely review of current toric fitting practices and how they relate to the prevalence of astigmatism, highlighting a number of opportunities for enhancing patient satisfaction and increasing practice revenue (C77594, one distance learning CET point suitable for optometrists, contact lens opticians and dispensing opticians)

Developments in electronic low vision aids: Assistive technology – 1

Bill Harvey offers an overview of some of the many ways that technology has developed in recent years to be able to help those with visual impairment. In the first in this series, he focuses on assistive technologies that are commonly used in the home by our patients (C77499, one distance learning CET point suitable for optometrists and dispensing opticians)

Fundamentals of ophthalmic dispensing part 15: Visual task analysis 1

At its simplest level a visual task analysis can be considered an assessment of the interaction between a patient, their optical appliance and the visual elements of their environment – the things they are trying to see and do. In this, the first of two articles, Peter Black introduces the topic and tackles the often confusing subject of photometry bringing it up to date for a world illuminated by low energy light bulbs (C77520, one distance learning CET point suitable for optometrists and dispensing opticians)

Eye care for children with learning disabilities 3

In the final part of a three-part series focusing on the eye care needs of children with learning disabilities, Sonal Rughani and Lisa Donaldson consider both the importance of disseminating and of implementing the outcomes of the ophthalmic examination (C77450, one distance learning CET point suitable for optometrists and dispensing opticians)

From pathology to participation

Cirta Tooth discusses how the medical model meets the social model in a low vision clinic and the implications upon patient management by the eye care professional (C 77395, one distance learning CET point suitable for optometrists and dispensing opticians)